
Is your leadership team up-to-date on the cybersecurity landscape?


Is your leadership team up-to-date on the cybersecurity landscape?


A recent survey has found that senior staff in many organizations are hindering cybersecurity efforts. The survey conducted revealed that 60% of IT professionals believe that senior staff are not taking cybersecurity seriously enough. This is a significant challenge for organizations looking to improve their cybersecurity posture. In this blog post, we will explore how StrongBox.Academy can help address this challenge.


Cybersecurity is a critical business issue that cannot be ignored. Unfortunately, many organizations do not prioritize cybersecurity as a business issue, which can leave their organizations vulnerable to cyber-attacks and data breaches. Our training helps with modules on how to prioritize cybersecurity as a business issue. We provide training on how to allocate appropriate resources to cybersecurity and how to integrate it into the overall business strategy. Our training program provides practical guidance on how to allocate appropriate resources to cybersecurity. We also provide insights into the latest cybersecurity threats and trends, so employees can make informed decisions about their cybersecurity strategy. By prioritizing cybersecurity as a business issue, organizations can protect their sensitive data, maintain customer trust, and avoid costly data breaches.

Education and Training

One of the main reasons for the disconnect between senior staff and IT professionals is a lack of understanding. Many senior staff members may not fully understand the risks and consequences of a cybersecurity breach. This is where StrongBox.Academy can help. We offer comprehensive cybersecurity training programs that can help educate senior staff members on the risks and consequences of a cybersecurity breach. Our training programs are tailored to the specific needs of the business and presented in a way that is relevant to the business. We use non-technical language and present the information in a way that is easy for senior staff members to understand.


Organizations should foster a culture of cybersecurity by promoting best practices and encouraging employees to take responsibility for their own cybersecurity. StrongBox.Academy can help to foster a culture of cybersecurity. We provide training on how to promote best practices and how to encourage employees to take responsibility for their own cybersecurity.


Organizations should conduct regular assessments of their cybersecurity posture to identify vulnerabilities and areas for improvement. The training programs we provide include modules on how to conduct regular assessments of cybersecurity posture. We provide training on how to identify vulnerabilities and areas for improvement and how to communicate these assessments to senior staff members in a way that is easy to understand and relevant to the business.


The disconnect between senior staff and IT professionals is a significant challenge for organizations looking to improve their cybersecurity posture. StrongBox.Academy can help address this challenge by providing comprehensive cybersecurity training programs that educate senior staff members on the risks and consequences of a cybersecurity breach. The programs we offer include communication strategies, prioritization modules, culture-fostering modules, and assessment modules that can help organizations improve their cybersecurity posture. It is essential to remember that cybersecurity is a business issue, not just an IT issue, and should be treated as such.